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We need your support!

Be part of a great story

Engagement in medical education and development comes with lots of costs. Surgical instruments, medical equipment and bandages are rare in Africa. SAWUBONA provides as much equipment as possible by recycling outsourced products from Germany. However, the more financial support we get, the more we can offer in places where it's needed the most.

Donation & Membership: Spenden

One-Time Donation

You would like to support a specific mission?

The most effective way to do so is by a one-time donation. All donations are being used 100% for charity purposes. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at any time!


Regular Donation

You would like to support SAWUBONA continuously?

Then become a regular donator and profit from special services:

- Monthly Newsletter with all information on past and upcoming missions.

- Individual SAWUBONA membership gift.


For further questions feel free to contact us at any time!

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Active Membership

You would like to play an active role in our missions?


We are continously searching for interested members including healthcare professionals, coordinators, promoters, PR and resource management.


We are looking forward to welcome you on board!



Donation Account

IBAN: DE63 5407 0024 0045 3977 00

Donation & Membership: Text
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